Three Traits You Want In A Real Estate Attorney

Investing in real estate can be a smart decision, but you need to be protected. You need a lawyer in Connecticut, but how do you choose one? Here are three traits you want to have in your real estate attorney:

Long Legal Experience

Having an attorney with experience gives you peace of mind about your transactions. A practiced hand to guide you will make a difference for you whether it is during the closing for your family’s new home or a commercial property transaction in need of financing. I have handled more than 250 transactions in residential and business real estate matters.

Understanding Of Construction Law

In residential and commercial property, there are nearly always going to be construction needs. Liens, contractors and proper permitting are some of the pitfalls and distractions inside construction law that require professional expertise.

Personal Attention To Your Needs

Beyond finding the perfect home or commercial investment, you will want to have a lawyer focused on protecting you. You will deal with me, not a paralegal. I will focus on your needs, whether they are personal or commercial.

Choose An Attorney Who Meets Your Needs

With over 30 years of helping families and businesses in and around Simsbury, with their real estate and construction law needs, I can resolve your problem without burning bridges in the community that you want on your side. Contact me at Law Offices of Charles D. Houlihan, Jr., at 860-495-1493 or through the contact form.